A sound security system is a crucial part of any business plan. Not only can it protect your staff, clients, and building in the event of a dangerous event, but it can also minimize your financial loss by preventing physical damage to your property and prevent valuable equipment from being stolen. Installing security window film for your Boston office building is a smart and efficient way to make your brick and mortar location safer and protect it from potential dangers. Below, we’ve discussed some of the different security film options available for businesses today.


Why Invest in Security Window Film for Your Office?

A breach in security could result in a potentially hazardous or life-threatening situation for your office. Glass surfaces are the most vulnerable parts of your building’s perimeter and can be easily broken with just a small amount of force. Installing a security window film for your Boston office could help:

  • Minimize the risk of injury
  • Prevent damage to your building
  • Protect valuable electronics, items, information, and equipment


What It Protects Against

Security films provide 24/7 protection for your office, defending it from a range of potential dangers including:

  • Hurricanes and other natural disasters
  • Break-in/theft attempts
  • Construction accidents and other random dangers
  • Mass shootings, explosions, and bombings


Recommended Security Window Film Options

Today, businesses have several different options to choose from when it comes to security window film. Your Boston office should choose the option that best suits your security needs. Here are some of the products we recommend:


Standard Safety Film

The most basic option, standard safety films are an excellent choice for guarding against everyday threats like accidents, theft, and forced entry.


Bomb Blast Protection

If you’re looking for a more advanced option, consider bomb blast protection film. These incredible durable, tensile films can hold up under the most extreme dangers and mitigate the effects of chemical explosions, bombings, and blasts.


Ballistic Resistant Systems

These window film systems give glass a sort of “bulletproof” strength, making it stronger and incredibly resistant to shattering.


Speak to a Window Film Expert

Call our office today to chat with an expert about security window film options for your Boston business.

Angus Faith is an expert when it comes to all matters window tinting. After relocating to Boston from Scotland, he obtained a position as a window tint installer. Since then, Angus has successfully completed hundreds of window film installs in the Boston area, totaling over 250,000 square feet of film. He is an expert when it comes to selecting the perfect security, climate control, or decorative window film for the job and is well-versed with all the latest innovations from 3M, Vista, LLumar, and other leading brands. When he's not helping customers find creative solutions to their architectural concerns, Angus enjoys galivanting across the globe and exploring far-off places, perfecting his bagpipe playing skills, and solving crossword puzzles.